This list of "Afrikanerisms" comprises slang words and phrases influenced primarily by Afrikaans. H , . As a kid, this fascinated George into learning most of these languages. He was tuning me just now from his bakkie my bokkie is a soutie and a rooinek. Aweh/Awe [ah-weh] Hello, greeting between close friends/mates. The following lists slang borrowings from the Nguni Bantu languages (which include Zulu and Xhosa). Below are 50 phrases and slang tourists may hear when visiting South Africa. Countries like Colombia are are well known for their party scenes, with much of their slang being based around it. Sometimes used to express anger or exasperation. Many of these terms also occur widely amongst South African Coloureds, these terms do not occur in formal South African English. Fokkende = fucking, gefok = fucked. In this blog post, we will look at one language in particular Afrikaans. It derives from the Dutch word for lightning, and often occurs in conjunction with donner. As such, it should come as no surprise that terms such as braii have entered into South African slang. Oh man! "Voetsek" or simply "tsek" is a fun way of telling someone to "fuck off". "), This page was last edited on 5 January 2023, at 08:11. Ooh that was a double whammy, que round of applause. Biltong and Bobotie were some of my favourite things to eat while we were in South Africa. However, in a slang context, it literally means to punch or to hit. Those who speak English use the equivalent English words as slang. 6. "Can accused no.1 and accused no.2 please stand. If you are visiting the country, you might want to keep up with these words since most of them have taken root in the country. The word hallo could be used as an icebreaker, and get you set on the path of a good discussion. It is not a natural growth, much as its proletarian writers would like to think so. Example: Jy moet nou voetsek uit my huis uit. While most of the words below are South African slang, there are also a few non-slang words included. In South Africa, youll say it will happen just now. Johnny Mathis Biography Age, Gay Partner & Net worth. Who Is Naked DJs Wife, Girlfriend or Baby Mama? It is preserved by the South African law as an official language through a decree that was passed in 1925. In South Africa, if you were going to a conference or a large-scale meeting of some kind, or even an expo, you are going to an indaba. Literally, shame is an emotion felt after doing something wrong. Skollie is a term that is in most cases used to refer to someone who is ill-mannered. If youre white, or have any near European heritage (two generations), you may be told by locals not to use it. FLORA AND FAUNA: South Africa has: deserts, wetlands, grasslands, bush, subtropical forests, mountains, and escarpments. Who Is Ze Nxumalo, Tamaryn Greens Husband? This book is perfect for anyone who is learning Afrikaans Product Details: Perfect for all coloring mediums; Premium matte-finish cover Quagga is pronounced as Kwa-gh-uh is another South African slang word. 10. e.g. Example: Ag, man! / Ag, no man! / Ag, shame man! Aikona not on your life [eye-koh-na] or [hi-koh-na] Hey, were going to Mkhizes jol, were you invited?Melokuhleand Amogelang were caught jolling around outside, theyre suspended for a week!. However, this is usually for questions where the answer is undoubtedly going to be Yes. an adjective to describe pretty much anything, from people, places, animals, food, and experiences. South African industry has boomed since the late 1990s, leading to many large companies setting up their regional headquarters in the country. rather than hearing it pronounced as two separate words (Is it?), I just got a new car, I paid five hundred thousand Rand for itIs it?Yeah!. WebThe South African English lends quite a few words from Afrikaans and the African languages like Xhosa or Zulu which are spoken widely by the black population of the country. As with most languages and slang words in particular, time and other cultural influences have shaped Afrikaans and its slang into what it is today. [eye-koh-na] A WebSouth Africans slang words, you'll thank me later.Social media: 12. We had a braii yesterday and we braiied all of the meatI bet it was so lekker!Definitely!. (You need to get out of my house right now.). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Here are some examples: List of Vocabulary in Afrikaans Below is a list of the vocabulary and expressions in Afrikaans placed in a table. "Jou Ma se gat" or "Jou Ma se poes" is a derogatory phrase that literally translates to "Your Mom's hole" or "Your Mom's vagina". Many of these terms also occur widely amongst ethnic/native South Africans, and others living in neighbouring countries such as Zimbabwe, Botswana, Zambia, etc. Most South Africans are also able to speak more than one language. aida AIDS. An expression of surprise or disbelief. It can include words, phrases, and expressions that are not part of standard English, and is often used to convey a sense of belonging or shared identity among the people who use it. Make sure you add this list to your must read pages so that you don't forget the words. The following slang words used in South African originated in other parts of the Commonwealth of Nations and subsequently came to South Africa. In general, you're not going to have a problem communicating with others, but locals Typical users include people with Afrikaans as their first language but who speak English as a second language; and people living in areas where the population speaks both English and Afrikaans. I hope that you will find it useful for you. ? With this comes several South African slang words. gees - However, in spite of what I have just said, a few South Africans do you use it in some contexts to answer questions. Men love to call other men whom they have grown fond of, brother. South Africa has a rich culture of slang, and over the years, popular words and phrases across all language groups have become commonly used by locals, and widely misunderstood by wide-eyed tourists. Meaning if you are a bird watcher or nature lover you will never be disappointed! Many black only bars popped up all over South Africa illegally of course. Hey bru, how are you? not on your nellie; nice try. Goed dankie, en met jou?. WebAfrikaans Slang Words: If you are looking for a country with a large variety of cultures, languages, traditions, wildlife, or outdoor activities, nothing can compete with South Eg. More so, Afrikaans is undoubtedly one of the easiest languages for people who can speak the English language to learn and master. We have a huge diversity of marine ecosystems and a variety of species. Required fields are marked *. Assuming you continue, youll probably hear the term Bliksem. Normally, in other English speaking countries, when you say you're doing something "now now", you would assume it means that you will do said thing right away. Xhosa (korsa): This is a South-African tribe mostly dominant in most parts of the Eastern part of Cape Province. belinda blind. ; . used to describe an unspecified time in the near future or recent past. Naca: Blacks: North American Concrete Ape: NAGA: Blacks: North American Ground Ape; Affectionately used by the LAPD during the Watts riot in Los Angeles. This is especially true for Swaziland and Namibia, where it has become an integral part of their slang too! It may confuse many outsiders, but is it? You are already subscribed to our newsletter! It is used to refer to 'great.' e.g. The word is related to the Afrikaans word for poison gif. 187 1. v. murder. I miss the braais and biltong. Usually seen as derogatory. MEDICAL HISTORY: The first successful heart transplant was performed in a hospital in Cape Town by Dr. Christiaan Barnard on 3 December 1967. You may also like: America's most hated slang words, explained. T, . 'Jinne man, just put on your tekkies and your costume, don't be dof! This is pretty common in everyday, with it being most common after you hear someone has been through something bad, eg. Expression of pity, resignation, or irritation Examples: Ag man, Ive Also used to refer to plastic containers like Tupperware, e.g., What must I do with the leftovers? Instead, it is used almost to say that you feel their pain- you feel sorry for them. Get To Know Deborah Frasers Ex-husband and Her Childrens Names, Truth About ProVerbs Ex-wife Onalerona Moreo, The Truth About Simphiwe Ngema and Tinos Break Up. 43 South African Slang Expressions You Need to Know Ag man! Happiness is one of such. dobbel gamble duidelik direct from Afrikaans, meaning clear; used to express clarity on something or excitement about something. Afrikaans words have penetrated other languages, especially South African English. This is by no means a complete list and popular phrases differ by region. Unfortunately, that is not the case here. The slang is used to refer to vagrants who stayed in the forests of Table mountain originally. In most cases, they form the vocabulary of the area where they are used and their use is limited to informal speech. WebIn this lesson, you'll learn some Afrikaans slang words, as well as some general South African slang words. It will be best to understand the context in which the words have been used before making any assumptions. We cooked Boerewors on the braii yesterday, they were lekker!. Were going to Disneyland!Yebo!Yebo yes!. No, I am not joking. To belong to such a clique and call out a brother, you just need to say, broer which means brother. It means old man and that is also the same meaning it carries among Afrikaans speakers. [ach-man] Oh man! Example: Ek het nie die robot gesien nie! WebJol party / to have fun Kiff / Kief cool. Wors (vors): This slang refers to traditional Afrikaans type of sausage, now-eaten by almost all the people in the region. In case you happened to travel with your family, and you are doing an introduction of all our family members, to indicate that she is your sister, you just need to say, my suster. In Afrikaans, slap means limp. List of South African slang words. They typically occur in use in South Africa's townships, but some have become increasingly popular amongst white youth. Example: Ek is gatvol vir my baas by die werk. As quoted in This Little Light of Mine, ch. Naturally, it is used very often around the watercoolers and especially in South African schools! It is arguably one of the most common South African slang words youll hear! For the vast majority of South Africans, Skinner is used in the same sense that it is used in Dutch/Afrikaans- to mean gossip. It can also be used to mean a small container. 1. Have you heard the latest Skinner? It was previously used to mean advantage but now means a disadvantage. We always have a need for food and if you happen to find yourself in any Afrikaans speaking country, you can simply use the word kros to indicate that you want food. Shebeen is in most cases referred to as sha-bean. It clearly would help you gain a few more words out of the hearer. You can simply say: My plesier to express how you feel about something. This species once used to live in Cape town but became extinct due to hunting in the 1800s, 10. (bah ki)):This slang is used to refer to a type of pick-up truck or a utility truck. Typical users include people with Afrikaans as their first language but who speak living in areas where the population speaks both English and Afrikaans. Babbelas/Babelaas [buh-ba-las] Achuz Friend (from "accused". I cannot tell you how many times I annoyed my friends with using it in the wrong context! [achmun] It might be translated as Oh, man!, but is used to express pity, resignation or irritation. Bioscope, pronounced as "bioscoop" in Afrikaans is a term that is used to refer to a dated movie. Whilst almost unheard of outside of South Africa, Boerewors are a mainstay of any braii in South Africa and an essential part of any South Africans diet. Web15 South African Slang Words You (Might) Want to Use! Kwashiorkor. Similar to Oh in English. You may have a distant cousin who just happens to be an Afrikaan and you want to exercise your liberty and call him cousin. The chips part comes from the British English word meaning crisps (in American English). (Oh no, I have misplaced my phone somewhere.). WebWords from Xhosa, Zulu and the other Nguni Languages [ edit] abba the act of carrying a child on your back. This is used to depict clarity on a thing or excitement. This Afrikaans Swear Words Adult Coloring Book has 14 single-sided designs and filled with hilarious offensive quotes explained in English. WebAfrican-Americans Slang Dictionary This dictionary is for people that want to improve their knowledge about African- Americans slang talk. Interesting Facts About Winston Beigel, His Wife Melissa Rauch and Kids. Boerwors, pronounced as boor-uh-vors, refers to a special dish indigenously known as 'farmer's sausage.' Eish has become so popular in South Africa that it has been used over the borders with neighboring countries. Bloutrein, pronounced as blue-train, refers to a form of methylated spirit that is at times taken in as a drink. (Afrikaans - asshole-full). Youll get to learn some slang words commonly used by not only Afrikaans-speaking natives but many of the other people living there as well. It can be followed by a number of other words to emphasize the feeling. Many South African slang words have their origins in English, others have their origins in Afrikaans, others in Zulu, others in Xhosa, whilst a few have their origins in many other languages. However, the Dutch were not pleased initially when this distorted version of their language began to spread in the late 17th century although they began to recognize and accept it with time. However, when it comes to South African greetings, you don't have much to worry about. If you ever get to a restaurant, slap tjips is the ideal meal to order. It could also be used to express astonishment, especially in a rude manner. Below is the list of basic Afrikaans Words for beginners: Remember the Afrikaans language is a mix of English and African culture, so it bears some similarities to the English language in a lot of ways. This list provides some of the most commonly used South African slang words that anyone visiting the country should familiarize with for purposes of efficient communication. Just make use of these words, ek het jou lief, which means I love you and see the face of your loved one lit with a smile. #20. gatvol - fed up, had enough. In this blog post, we will look at one language in particular Afrikaans. Today the word bakki is now a part of the words in the South African English. (Oh no, it looks like you really got hurt.). Ja, nee hundreds is one of my favorites! Those who speak English use the equivalent English words as slang. The majority of Coloureds in South Africa speak Afrikaans. Really? They typically occur in use in the South Africa townships, but some have become increasingly popular among white youth. agatha a gossip. Lesbian activity. Below are some frequently asked questions and answers about the Afrikaans language: The longest word in Afrikaan is Tweedehandsemotorverkoopsmannevakbondstakingsvergaderingsameroeperstoespraakskrywerspersverklaringuitreikingsmediakonferensieaankondiging. stomach = maag (human), pens (animal) foot = voet (human), poot (animal) mouth = Ag man! 23. However, under Apartheid, black South Africans were not allowed to go to pubs, restaurants and bars. ", bertha Hilda's big sister (really, really ugly), after Big Bertha, the giant cannon, beulah beautiful, usually referring to a good looking man, hilda ugly (or horrible), usually referring to a not-so good looking guy, lana penis (from alliteration Lana Lunch), milly crazy (mad) milder than mildred, vast very ("She's vast nora, my dear! Some of these languages that have attributed to the slang words are English, Afrikaans, Zulu, Ndebele, Xhosa, Northern Sotho, Tsonga, Venda, Tswana and Swazi. 1. Well, the Afrikaan word for cousin does not harm the tongue in any way. Official & Slang terms for hello South African has 11 official languages! This is a slang word that is used in most cases to refer to someone who is disliked. Be the first to get hottest news from our Editor-in-Chief, Check your email and confirm your subscription. Eish (ay- sh):This is an expression of two tribes that is the isiXhosa and the isiZulu. annie anus. 5. Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Tajikistan! It would interest you to know that this language is closely related to Dutch, and to an extent German as well. In South African slang, what we call French fries are instead called slap chips. ", Do not sell or share my personal information. Example (food): Hierdie slaai is baie lekker! Below you will find 15 of the most common slang words, their definitions, how to pronounce them, and how to use them properly. 8. It would not be out of place to begin by calling out my liefde. The term is mostly used to express astonishment. The language has also been referred to as a creole or part creole language in recent times. For example, asseblief, my vriend, said with a bit of remorse on the face should do justice to the situation as this means please my friend. 5. Panda is one of the South African slang words whose use could be controversial. 4. Shame Sorry. The term originated when black South Africans met the Dutch settlers (Boers) and couldnt pronounce the word correctly. This is also used to scare unwanted animals away. Bergie:This South African slang is from the berg mountain. !Im great thanks bra, how are you?. Its been used by artists like Drake and Rae Sremmurd, who popularized the term among youngsters. For example, The food was lekker, or We had a lekker day. South African Children| Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock Kief when will the visitor arrive?- there is absolutely no end to the many ways to make use of this expression used to ask for time. But compared with it at its best, English has reached the Alexandrian stage of formalism and decay.Raymond Chandler (18881959), Slang Terms Originating From Ethnic Minorities. Never got the chance to try bobotie, so Ill have to order that on my next visit. For instance, the popular South African slang words are derived from the eleven official languages in the country. Potte - lit. 7. On the surface of it, seems rather complicated, however its really not! If you happen to be looking for someone and you would love to seek directions to the address, you can merge the words please (asseblief) and address (adres). . However, for the most part, theyll be happy that youre indulging yourself in the local culture! Example (place): Kaapstad is `n lekker plek. How is it or Hello Awe The word Awe which is an English word to show surprise is actually used as It is derived from the modern isiZulu word for hangover known as isibhabhalazi. Instead, shebeen actually originates in Irish slang! It could also be used to refer to the cinema. Braai, pronounced as br-eye, is a type of barbecue that is prepared by roasting the meat over a fire. It can be used in a jokey manner, it can be used in a serious manner, it can be used in a not-so-serious manner as well! Steph Purk LLC 2019 - 2023 | All Rights Reserved. an exclamation of sudden pain, similar to ouch! in English. WebFound insideAffectionate and expletive words like abba, kamma, eina and aitsa all form part of the Afrikaans slang that has become part and parcel of typical West Coast 7. bombela gangster slang meaning "where someone works" bompie iced confectionary boom Afrikaans for "tree." Lets go to a restaurant and order some slap chips!. ), , ". Thank you. 8. 4. D . In South Africa, Boerewors are a specific type of sausage that was originally made by the Dutch/Boer settlers of South Africa. 1. 3. Tell me in the comments! Loved re-visiting the language. Biltong [billtong] Bliksem: This is the South African slang word for punch or hit derived from the Afrikaans. I hope that you will find it useful for you. This list of "Afrikanerisms" (referred to as "funagalore" - not to be confused with the created language Fanagalo which was used in the mines of South Africa (also known as RSA) to ensure workers from various language backgrounds could communicate) comprises slang words and phrases influenced by Afrikaans and other African languages. There are majorly four countries that speak this language; South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, and Zimbabwe. Who Is Dineo Moloisane the Businesswoman and Socialite? The majority of Coloureds in South Africa speak Afrikaans. The word waati most popular in Johannesburg, Durban, and Cape Town townships, simply means water. " , . French fries may have been developed in France/Belgium in the late 18th century, but that doesnt necessarily mean that they cant be a part of another countrys slang! MARINE LIFE: There are more than 2000 shipwrecks off the South African coast, most dating back at least 500 years. barbara straight man. Boerewors are something that youd probably cook on your braii. Greeting a person in his language would help indicate your interest or need for an ear or maybe a smile. ", S , " ". With big swells and a huge coastline, surfing in South Africa is amazing. The language is quite run to apply as you can try interchanging your frequently used English words with Afrikaans words, to familiarize yourself with them. After that interesting conversation with your friend at night, you can give it a befitting end with Goeie nag. used to show annoyance, sympathy, pleasure, and so forth. They are also well known for their distinctive tastes of corianderseeds, nutmeg and cloves. Although it literally means I say, it is used in greeting. Lunch middagete. It can be used in various ways to show that you want some water. Do you know any useful South African phrases? His passion for writing allows him to take what is ordinary and transform it into a real masterpiece. It means aunt which is also the same meaning for Afrikaans speakers. WebTannie "aunt", used by Afrikaans-speakers tops "excellent", "the best" Toppie "old man", used by Afrikaans-speakers Whakind a greeting, usually used amongst guys And this is what lekkers literal meaning is. In Germany, lecker means Tasty or Delicious or even Yummy. Most Africans speak more than one language, some up to four or five. Once Apartheid ended, shebeen became a blanket term for bars as a whole. Ive got to pack for my indaba in Johannesburg at the weekend. Eish is one of those phrases that is used by pretty much everyone in South Africa. Coffee koffie. 15. Braai could also be used to refer to a national holiday called the National Braai Day which is celebrated on 24th September every year. The South African slang term is it? South Africa has 11 official languages: Afrikaans, English, Ndebele, Northern Sotho, Southern Sotho, Swati, Tswana, Tsonga, Venda, Xhosa, and Zulu. Increase your global footprint with professional translations, The Most Spoken Languages in the World The Middle East and South-Central Asia, Professional Translation: A clear brief for first-timers, 7 things to look for in a professional linguist. WebFamous quotes containing the words township and/or slang: The most interesting thing which I heard of, in this township of Hull, was an unfailing spring, whose locality was pointed out to me on the side of a distant hill, as I was panting along the shore, though I did not visit it. emmerdale child actor dies in fire, N'T forget the words in the region for example, the food was lekker, or we had a day... Vocabulary of the easiest languages for people who can speak the English language to learn some Afrikaans slang words hear..., with it being most common after you hear someone has been used by not only Afrikaans-speaking natives many. 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African slang words you ( might ) want to use people, places, animals, food, to... The answer is undoubtedly one of the South African slang words and phrases influenced primarily by Afrikaans cousin just! - fed up afrikaans slang words had enough ways to show annoyance, sympathy,,! Huge diversity of marine ecosystems and a huge diversity of marine ecosystems a... Man, just put on your tekkies and your costume, do occur. Place ): this slang is from the Afrikaans language: the longest word in is.
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